Somewhat shameless self-promo alert (although this is for charity):
From Chicago Reader...
Music celebrities and experts from all over Chicago are compiling one-of-a-kind mix CDs with original cover art that will be auctioned off to raise money for Rock for Kids, a non-profit that provides support, assistance and inspiration--and music education--to needy and homeless children.
More info on the event and a list of the celebs contributing mix CDs is here.
They used the word "celeb" up there, not me, by the way. I finished my mix late last night and, not surprisingly, I think it's excellent. It's just a whole bunch of tunes I'm enjoying lately, many of them with a dancy beat although the genres are all over. I got one of my favorite Chicago DJ/producers, Popstatic, to mix and "produce" it. We drank lots and lots of High Life and had fun working in "The Lab" until the wee hours of the night a couple times. Anyway, please come by Smartbar on Wednesday night and bid on this or some of the other mixes. I've found some gems in years past at this event. It's a silent auction so you can get carried away or get some real steals. And last year there was some free booze too so broke-asses are also welcome.
UPDATE: If anyone going wants to take part in free MGD and MGD light from 6-7 (browse the mixes before the crowd!), let me know and I'll send you the info about how to get that action.
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