
Eyesore on the Emerald Necklace

ABC7 local news did a story about the history and progress, and lack thereof, of Palmer Square Park outside my place. I knew this "tot-lot" was a bad idea!

Watch it here


Nick said...

You've been bitch'n about that since June 5th.

Tot - Lots are for the birds. . . and preservationists.

Tim said...

a neighbor of mine involved in this tells me...

"I hope you guys saw the "Emerald Necklace" story
on Channel 7 last night. In this ex-reporter's humble opinion, it was
as good as it ever gets in local news. They gave us almost 4 minutes (a
TV eternity) AND they even gassed up "Chopper 7". Producer Ann Pistone,
videographer Jackie Denn and reporter Chuck Goudie really did their
jobs, capturing both the subtleties and the Big Picture of
our struggle to save Palmer Square.

As I type this I can actually see manual labor being
performed inside the fence---not just the usual single worker driving a
truck back and forth, but guys digging with shovels. It seems that more
work has been done since the cameras started rolling than in all of the
months before Channel 7 got involved.

Whatever the result of this coverage---including, I'm
sure, our alderman's embarrassment---I feel we owe
the "I-Team" a debt of gratitude. I can't be at Sunday's meeting, but I
hereby move we send an
official HAPS thank-you note (or plant a tree in their honor if we ever
get inside that @#$%& fence again).

Huzzahs also to all the brave HAPS members who
agreed to be interviewed (you all looked great!) and
a big shout-out to Kirt for getting the ball rolling."

Progress through media pressure!