
Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner in Chicago

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Jason and Julie hosted a "round 1" Thanksgiving meal. Their place is a standard 3 bedroom Chicago style apartment, so when I heard there would be nearly 20 people attending I thought it might be less than a perfect affair. My low expectations were met with, honestly, one of the tastiest turkeys I've ever had. We all brought something (I brought green bean casserole) and the dishes were awesome. Magically, there was enough seating and silverware for all. Well done, Julie and Jason. I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

Molly took these first four pictures. Check out her Flickr page.

Those who didn't bring food brought booze.

Jason's amazing turkey.

Ryan brought potatoes, two different pies, and a samurai style pony-tail.

My excellent, soon to be gone, roommate.

We watched Mean Girls after the meal. Such a great teen flick. Oh Li-lo, we miss those days.

Satisfied and well-fed diners.


Shannon Darling Dearest said...

love these pics.